Retirement Planning

How much should I save?

Are my current savings sufficient?

How much income will my IRA provide?

What is my projected required minimum distribution?

I'm retired — how long will my savings last?

College Planning

How much should I save for college?

Will I Be Able To Pay Back My Student Loans?

Should I live on campus, off campus or at home?

What is the value of a college education?


What is my life expectancy?

How much disability income do I need?

How much will I earn in my lifetime?

What are the tax advantages of an annuity?

Can I live on a fraction of my income?
(Berkshire Life's Disability Income Coverage calculator)

Investments and Savings

What is my risk tolerance?

How much should I save to reach my goal?

What is the impact of inflation?

What is the value of tax deferral?

What is the value of compound interest?

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